Tuesday, December 27, 2011

2011 - A summary of my year

So my year has come to a close, and all my shows are done for the year. I must say, I was wary of starting my blog at the beginning of the year since I wasn't sure if I'd actually be able to keep up with it. But I am happy to say that, except for two smaller, non-blogworthy shows, I made an entry about every significant show I went to all year! So I just wanted to give a recap of my year, and hand out a few superlatives.

Overall best, most awesome show

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Despite going to many awesome shows this year, the U2 shows tops the list. I'd wanted to go see U2 in concert for about 20 years, so getting to mark something off of my bucket list is truly priceless. Between the enormity of the experience, the rarity of U2 shows, the experience of being so close and the AMAZING photos I got, this show definitely tops the list.

Most fun show

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Eventhough I somewhat knew what to expect going into my first ICP show, I really had no idea what to expect! This show was a mad house from the first second they came onstage, and left me giggling like a kid the entire time! We left soaked in Faygo and freezing cold, but overall, this was definitely the most fun show of the year!

Sleeper hit of the year


Honestly, I initially decided to go to the Hopsin show because my friends were going, and I wanted an excuse to hang out with everyone. But once I was there, I was treated to a full evening of great music. I got to see Stitchmouth for the first time, got entertained by SGF, got to watch white trash on parade during Lil Wyte's set, then was treated to a surprisingly awesome performance by Hopsin! I really didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did, but it was great!

Most disappointing show


From the moment I walked in, no one seemed to be excited about this show, including the performers. It was an ok show, but the crowd showed NO enthusiasm and ended up dragging down the entire show. It was ok, and I'm glad I went, but I won't be running back if I see Hinder announce another Nashville show.

Best "Out of my comfort zone" experience


The Gathering of the Juggalos
I slept in a tent, used port-a-potties, had no access to washing my hands after using said port-a-potties, stayed up until after 5am four nights in a row, wore my hair in a pony tail every day, and loved almost every second of it! Aside from a few obvious bummers (like getting beaned in the eye with the turkey leg), I had a blast at the Gathering, and am already planning on returning next year.

Best bang for my buck


Boondox in Daytona Beach
This show had 7 acts and only cost $7. Even if you include the roughly $25 I spent for the rental car for the night, it still comes in a heck of a lot cheaper than a lot of shows I went to this year!

So yeah...it was a great year. I don't have any tickets purchased for any shows in 2012 yet, but I'm still going to continue with my resolution to attend 12 shows in 12 months. Thanks to everyone for supporting my blog and reading my posts. As of posting time, I have 1509 views so far on my blog!


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